Wednesday, June 22, 2011

NOMbies gloating before vote even happens and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Six GLAAD board members step down over AT&T flap, but not former AT&T employee Coronado - I'm not usually for one about who is or isn't a part of "Gay,Inc." but what's happening here is a damn shame and is a reason why it's so hard for us to gain equality.

NOM hubris gone wild: Org's Thomas Peters claims NY marriage win - Christian people don't get cocky. But NOM certainly is by declaring that they won in New York BEFORE the vote has even been taken. BTW the column has now been taken down.

Time To Put Things In Perspective: Elections Have Consequences - We need to remember these days come 2012.

Kevin Jennings Is Right: Sean Hannity Failed - Give it up Hannity. You lost this one. Deal with it.

Barber: Right Wing Watch Are Creepy Cyberstalkers!- This from a guy who visited my blog over 60 times in one day.

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