Tuesday, November 10, 2009

LGBT blogs should beware of the trolls and other Tuesday midday news briefs

Peter LaBarbera: The Liberty Counsel Has Called The FBI Over JMG Commenters - While this furthers my opinion that LaBarbera has a "jones" for Joe Jervis, it is a good lesson for those who post comments on lgbt blogs. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE watch what you say. There are folks trolling our blogs looking for comments to manipulate.
Man fired for advocating traditional marriage - Mark your calendars for this date. One News Now tries to walk back from the claim that Peter Vadala was fired for "merely" declaring his Christian opposition to marriage equality. The article mentions that letter of termination that clearly says Vadala called his fellow employee "deviant." Naturally the article hasn't posted any of the comments it has received. Feel free to post comments (I have) BUT BE NICE AND CORDIAL!

MSNBC anchor in Twitter fight with anti-gay church that picketed Obama kids’ school - Tasteless group picketing President Obama's children's school. Tacky, tacky, tacky.

Carrie Prejean: Standing Up For Conservative Women - More proof that Carrie Prejean is a hypocrite. Mercy this is too easy. Oh well at least she is laughing while on the way to the bank. And all it cost her was her integrity.

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1 comment:

PersonalFailure said...

This bit of dishonesty by UFI deserves your attention.

Here is the study, by Dr. Anna Braun, that they are referencing. Oddly, she didn't study what they said she studied.