Monday, August 31, 2009

More attention means more trouble for anti-gay group and other Monday midday news briefs

NOM finds out that more attention isn't exactly a good thing:

Fine-toothed combs scour NOM's unfair hair

NOM's 2007 tax return...and who is behind 'consultant' Common Sense America

The two posts are from and Pams House Blend. I wanted to put them both in one location to focus attention on how much attention the National Organization for Marriage is getting. No doubt at first the group thought that the recent Washington Post profile on one of its leaders, Brian Brown, was a good thing. It's nice to see them learn the flipside of attracting attention, especially when you are doing something morally wrong and potentially shady.

New impetus for bill banning anti-gay bias at work - ENDA could pass this year and I know the religious right is just chewing on the bit to oppose it. I'm chewing on the bit to oppose them. Let's get it started!

Congregation embraces transgender minister as his secret is revealed - Here is a positive story you don't hear about every day.

MA: First out black lesbian mayor in the U.S., Denise Simmons, marries partner - It probably won't make BET, Jet or Ebony magazine - the %!*#!

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